APECA focuses on a two-dimensional PROGRAM of Health and Conservation, implemented by designing and, with specialized education and training, executing a wide variety of specific PROJECTS. The intention (“Mission”) of the program is to develop an increasingly enriching and sustainable life-style for both individuals and local communities in remote villages along the Amazon River in Peru.

With the help of other organizations and individuals, including Peruvian organizations, APECA designs, develops, and solicits financing for a number of specific individual projects. These projects provide substance to the on-going program; examples include Clean Water Systems, Demonstration Fish & Turtle Ponds, Promotores de Salud (Promotors of Health), Midwife Training, General Health Campaigns (physical and dental), Community Leadership-Training, and Reforestation.  For a complete list of these projects click on the heading "PROJECTS" at the top of this website.

Outside expertise and leadership is brought to El Fundo to assist both in completing the specific projects and in providing continued leadership in monitoring and maintaining their sustainability.

APECA’s vision for the development of the Fernando Lores District of Loreto and other nearby districts is wide-ranging and long-term. There are 135 small to medium-sized villages scattered throughout the immediate area. We have worked diligently over the past decades to establish strong relationships within these communities, and have found that 30 hold promise for appropriate size, location, and established trust and friendship. We have introduced projects to promote the leadership and health of these communities through our "Promotors of Health" project. We have also installed working water systems in several of these communities. Many more water projects are needed to continue to improve and maintain health in these villages. 

APECA believes that education, training, supervision, and monitoring/evaluating are the essential keys to successful sustainability of these projects. The pre-, during-, and post-project components are critical to their long-term effectiveness. We believe that our emphasis on sustainability is more organic and long-term because APECA’s involvement in the communities is not restricted to the water projects alone, but to our many other sponsored projects.

APECA's two-dimensional Program, with its day-to-day operational expenses, which includes staffing, supplies, equipment, buildings, and maintenance, is supported entirely by generous donations.

Interested in more information, Contact APECA at: